Holiday Travel on San Bernardino Highways

During the holiday season there is a significant increase in traffic across the country. People are taking a break from their busy lives to focus on what truly matters most: family. They’re traveling far and wide to see their loved ones and to enjoy their family traditions.

Unfortunately, due to the increase in traffic the holidays are amongst the most dangerous times of the year for drivers and pedestrians alike. According to a study conducted by AAA and reported on by USA Today, nearly 27,900 Americans are seriously injured in car accidents each year during the holiday season alone. If you’re planning on traveling on our San Bernardino highways this coming holiday season there are a few key tips you’ll want to keep in mind.

Take Your Time and Slow Down

According to the United States Census of 2010, San Bernardino alone has a population of over 209,000 people. That makes it the most populated city in the county and the 17th largest city in the state of California. You can naturally expect a larger than normal traffic flow on the roads during this coming holiday season, which is why you should always plan ahead and realize your trip will take longer than usual. Also, please slow down to stay as safe as possible. According to the Department of Transportation, speeding contributed to 30% of all fatal crashes in 2012. If you’re going to be late because of traffic, be late – don’t take someone else’s life into your own hands to try to make it to dinner on time.

Seek Medical Treatment Right Away

If you do find yourself in a holiday car accident, always make sure you’re enlisting the help of medical professionals as soon as possible. Normal car accident procedures don’t stop because it’s Thanksgiving or Christmas Day; make sure everyone is safe and call 911 to report any injuries that may have been experienced. Take care of you and your loved ones first whether you’re on the road or with your family in front of a nice warm fire.

Harshbarger Law

At Harshbarger Law, we believe that the holidays should be a fun and exciting time for everyone. You should be focused on your loved ones and not the dangerous situations that holiday travels on San Bernardino highways can represent. If you or a loved one is injured in a car accident please don’t delay – contact your San Bernardino car accident attorneys at Harshbarger Law today.