Who is Liable for a Dog Attack When the Dog is Loose or Off Leash?

Even a well-behaved loose dog is a problem, he could be struck by a car or lost — but what happens when that loose dog harms someone? California has strict leash laws that are designed to protect the public from dangerous dogs; unlike some states, a dog does not have to have a previous history of […]

Being a Victim in a Drunk Driving Accident From a Legal Perspective

Every two minutes a person is injured in an auto accident related to alcohol intoxication. These numbers increase significantly at night, on the weekends and especially during the holiday season when people are traveling back and forth to various holiday parties and events. It is a situation that absolutely nobody should have to go through, […]

Accidents at Amusement Parks


Despite the fun characters, lively setting and whirling, twirling rides, theme parks and amusements do pose a hazard to the people who visit them. Each year, thousands of people are injured, and dozens are killed while visiting a theme park. According to CNN, the number of accidents on record could be even higher; some states do […]

What You Need to Know About Prop 213

One moment you’re driving along, minding your own business and you pass through an intersection. Another driver runs their red light and slams right into your car. “I don’t have insurance,” you think to yourself, “but that’s okay. This was in no way my fault so I have nothing to worry about.” Sadly, you might […]

Study Finds Alarming Increase In U.S. Bicycle Accidents

Bike accidents continue to rise, according to a new study published in the medical journal Injury Prevention. According to this research, both the cost of and the number of bicycle accidents have risen over the past decade. Learning more about biking accidents, how and where they occur, and the sometimes-devastating aftermath can help you avoid […]

The Most Common Reasons For Motorcycle Accidents and How to Avoid Them

Motorcycle injury in San Bernardino, CA

Motorcycle accidents are unfortunately common, both in San Bernardino and in the United States. But the key to remaining safe on the roads involves understanding as much as you possibly can about why these accidents occur in the first place. Though every crash situation is different, there are still a number of common reasons for […]

Texting and Driving is a Known Hazard — So Why Can’t We Stop?

Texting and Driving

Distracted driving causes accidents every day in the USA, and despite expensive campaigns and initiatives launched to promote awareness of the danger of texting while driving, we still do it. A recent ZenDrive study revealed that drivers used smartphones on almost all trips in the car (about 88% of trips taken in the given period). We know about the […]

Motorcycle Accidents in San Bernardino From a Legal Perspective

Motorcycle injury in San Bernardino, CA

Accidents involving motorcyclists and any other vehicle generally occur due to the lack of attention paid to the motorcyclist by the other driver. Oftentimes, the motorcyclist may have the right of way, but is overlooked due to being less visible to drivers. The following are a few keys factors to remember when driving on the […]

Case Law for Pedestrian Accidents in San Bernardino

According to a recent study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Association (also referred to as NHTSA), pedestrian accidents are unfortunately a lot more common than you might think. It is estimated that 5,000 pedestrians die in motor vehicle-related accidents each year. Roughly 76,000 people across the country were injured after getting hit by […]