A car accident is stressful enough, particularly if you have injuries. Things can get even worse if you are not fairly compensated for the injuries you sustained. You could end up owing massive medical bills or even having to miss out on some treatments. As you recover, if you do not have proper medical documentation of your injuries, you may not be able to get the modifications you need at work to perform your job or access new job training if you can no longer perform the work you are trained for. Medical records are essential for your Redlands auto accident case for a variety of reasons; learning more about how and why they are needed can help you document your case properly and be prepared as you move forward.
3 Reasons Medical Records and Reports Matter After a Car Accident
They objectively document your case: Your medical records are generated by uninvolved third parties who are there to accurately assess your injuries and design a treatment plan. Since your doctor is not involved in your case, his or her professional opinion is objective and given a lot of weight by the court. It is also the document relied on to determine your full damages and a fair settlement for your injuries, so an accurate and complete report is essential for your case.
They show the impact the auto accident has on your life and future: If you do not go to the doctor, but then later develop pain that won’t go away or that prevents you from working, you could miss out on the settlement you deserve. If you did not see your injuries as severe enough to go to the doctor, the insurance company may treat them lightly as well, reducing the settlement you should receive and making it more difficult to get treatment.
They provide a prognosis: If you are so injured you lose the ability to walk, perform your job or function in any way; your medical records will show the extent of your injury and provide a likely prognosis. This is needed to determine the damages you sustained and to create a fair settlement for your case. If you do not have this information, it can be difficult to ensure you are compensated fairly — and once you agree to a settlement, you lose the opportunity to get the fair compensation you are entitled to if your injuries turn out to be more profound than you thought.
Get Help After a Redlands Auto Accident
We know just how much a car accident can derail your life and are ready to fight for you. You deserve to be fairly compensated for your injuries, and that starts with a thorough understanding of the damages you have sustained and any long-term impact they will have on your life. Get in touch today to ensure you are treated fairly and that your medical costs are all accounted for after an accident. We are dedicated to getting you back on your feet and on track after an auto accident.