Fault, Subrogation and Money

If you’re hurt in an accident you may need medical care for a long time before receiving compensation from the individual who caused it. Your insurance policy will most likely cover this treatment out of their own funds – before it can be recovered from the at-fault party. Subrogation is a legal phrase that refers […]
Inland Empire Personal Injury Experts

Harsh Law handles personal injury cases in the Inland Empire. Harsh Law is a personal injury law firm located in Southern California’s Inland Empire region that has years of expertise defending accident victims and their families. Our attorneys have the knowledge, skill, tenacity, and dedication needed to bring about significant progress for you on your […]
Fatal Car Accident Attorney for Orange County
The untimely death of a loved one is always a deeply painful and shocking event. When the death was caused by the careless, irresponsible actions of another person, it is even more difficult for the victim’s surviving family members to cope. After learning a child, parent, spouse, or other loved one has been killed in […]
April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month
Distracted driving has become a deadly epidemic on our roads. While drivers texting behind the wheel tops what seems like an endless list of distractions, other risky actions include talking on the phone, setting your navigation, adjusting what you’re listening to, drinking coffee, applying makeup, and more. By driving distracted, you’re robbing yourself of seconds […]
Secondary Car Accidents in Orange County
Secondary car accidents, or multi-car collisions, occur when an initial accident creates unsafe conditions for other drivers – such as disabled vehicles, oil and fluid spills, damaged signs or other road hazards. Secondary car accidents can have serious consequences for all motor vehicle occupants involved. While establishing fault in a clear-cut car accident can be […]
Side-Impact Collisions in the Inland Empire
Any collision where one of the cars is directly struck from the side is considered to be a “side-impact” collision. The injuries from these types of car accidents can vary wildly, however they can be extremely dangerous if occurred with speed. While the front and rear of a vehicle offer a substantial amount of protection […]
Secondary Car Accidents in the High Desert
In the High Desert area, often times car accidents occur in high-speed areas such as the 15 freeway and major streets between the communities of Hesperia, Victorville and Mojave Desert. When such a vehicle collision occurs, it creates an obstruction which may be difficult for other drivers to avoid. Vehicles involved in the primary accident […]
Rear-End Collision: How is fault determined?
It can happen when you least expect it. You’re driving home from work or out running a short errand, and suddenly you find yourself in a very unpleasant situation: involved in a rear-end accident. Rear-end car accidents are very common, and they never come at a good time. You might think determining fault in a […]
Car vs Commercial Truck Accidents
A fully loaded semi-truck can weigh over 80,000 pounds, whereas an average car weighs about 3,000 pounds. It becomes easy to see how a collision between the two can cause serious injuries to the car driver and their occupants, which is why commercial truck crashes often involve large damages, given the immense pain and suffering […]
What Do I Do After a Car Crash in Orange County?
A car accident can change your life because it introduces you to a reality that you were not previously aware of – a world in which life can be taken away in a split second. Not only do you have to deal with the traumatic experience, but you may also need to physically heal from […]