Harshbarger Law – Semi-Truck Accidents: 10 Tips To Avoid

They tower over commuter cars on the freeways and surface streets often moving along at 65 miles per hour. These hulking behemoths are the workhorses of our economy and transport goods between businesses and railway or shipping yards. A semi-truck is nothing to mess with and can cause extreme damage in any number of incidents […]
Do YOU Know What to Do If You’re in a Bicycle Accident?

One would think that it should be easy for motorists to both see and avoid cyclists on the road, unfortunately that is not the case. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cyclists are actually at a higher risk of crash-related injuries than drivers themselves are. People between the ages of 15 and 29 […]
5 Common Personal Injury Accidents

When people hear the term “personal injury” from a legal perspective, they most commonly associate these injuries with car accidents. However, the term encompasses many other types of injuries.
Harshbarger Law – Car Accidents During the Holiday Season

Nothing can ruin your holiday plans quite like a car accident.
Harshbarger Law – Car Accidents and the Law

The moments immediately following an auto accident can be a stressful time for everyone involved. You have rights that are very important and Harshbarger Law will do whatever it takes to protect them.
Harshbarger Law – Motorcycle Accidents in California

When you’re faced with a motorcycle accident, knowing the steps to take in ensuring your safety and protection is key. According to the California Office of Traffic Safety, motorcycle fatalities increased 4.6 percent from 2011 to 2012. Although this number can be startling, the number of motorcycle registrations also increased. What can you do after […]
Types Of Head Injuries Caused By Accidents

What kinds of head injuries can occur after an accident? With the importance of a person’s cognitive skills and functioning to their everyday lives, the possibility of suffering a head injury in an accident can be devastating.Car crashes and other accidents are common causes of head trauma. However, these injuries may not always be easily […]
Pedestrian Accidents In California

Pedestrians in California and elsewhere are much more likely to suffer catastrophic personal injuries or to be killed if they are involved in an automobile collision.
Dog Owners Held Liable Under California Law

Does every dog get one bite under California law? Personal responsibility is one principle that is valued by many Inland Empire residents. However, many individuals may think the concept of personal responsibility means just that: a person can and should be held responsible for his or her actions. Individuals may be less familiar with the […]
Have you been involved in an accident with a government vehicle?

It can be challenging to sue the government (whether city, county, state, or federal), but as shown below it is not impossible; especially with the assistance of a skilled personal injury attorney.