Exploding E-Cigarettes

The e-cigarettes’ lithium-ion batteries are the type of batteries also found in laptops and cellphones. But with e-cigarettes, the batteries are especially prone to overheating because smokers use incompatible chargers, overcharge the e-cigarettes, or don’t take sufficient safety precautions.

Be Cautious When Ridesharing

Uber is in more hot water, following a personal injury lawsuit brought against the company in March, 2014. This latest suit, brought by a female Uber passenger, alleges that a male Uber driver repeatedly fondled her while she was a passenger in the vehicle. The driver asked her to dinner while touching her leg, but […]

Accident in a Company Car: Who’s Liable?

You might know what happens if you get into a car accident, but what about an accident in a company car? Are you liable or is your boss the one who’ll have to pay for the damage? Many jobs entail driving as either a primary or secondary task, or simply require that employees have a […]

Have You Or A Loved One Been Bitten Or Attacked By A Dog?

Dog bites can result in severe, painful, and permanently disfiguring injuries. Sometimes a dog bite turns into a mauling that requires a stay in the hospital and extensive plastic surgery to repair the wound. In California, the owner of a dog is legally responsible for all injuries and damages caused by his or her dog’s […]

What to do When You’re Involved in a Multi-Car Accident

A serious automobile accident can be detrimental for all those involved. Though most people like to think that they’re able to avoid these accidents, it should be noted that the average driver will still have to file an auto insurance claim once every 17.9 years. Though factors of insurance providers and who’s at fault can […]

How to Overcome Your Fear of Driving after an Auto Accident

Traumatic events often condition victims to avoid factors associated with that trauma. In many cases, the avoidance is irrational or impractical; some trauma victims subconsciously exaggerate the likelihood of a particular risk and avoid normally safe activities. In some cases, victims of automobile accidents who are seriously injured or who witness another person being seriously […]

Top 5 Injuries After a Car Accident

Anyone who has been in a car accident understands how traumatizing it can be. Even more troubling are the injuries and costs associated with the recovery process. Even the seemingly most minor injury can turn into a lifelong struggle to handle pain and the inconveniences associated with it. Below are some of the more common […]

Horrific Accident In Downtown L.A. Claims Life Of MTA Driver – Family Sues

The family of a longtime MTA driver killed when a tow truck plowed through a red light and into her bus is suing the estate of the other driver, the towing company and the bus manufacturer. The lawsuit filed this week in Los Angeles County Superior Court alleges the tow truck driver was negligent when […]


The burden of proof and determining the legal responsibility for an automobile accident, where multiple parties were involved and hurt, has always been a complicated process. It is easy to say that someone was at fault, but directing the blame legally is not as easy. Determining Legal Liabilities During Accidents: Most accidents can be traced […]